Homemade creamy pumpkin pie ready for Thanksgiving!
For Crust:
For Filling:
This recipe sounds great, but as a "new" diabetic, I recently realized that carbs = sugar. You can make this regular pie recipe with Splenda and you won't even know the difference.
I, for one, have done a lot of research on substitute sweeteners and Splenda is one of the worst. My wife is diabetic and we use Stevia. It is natural and not man made and sweetens great in everything from coffee to baking. Enjoy.
There are a number of sweeteners out their, (Sweet&Low, Equal, Stevia, Splenda, plus others) some are more sweet than others. Whether manmade/artificial or natural(found in nature) the chemical compound acts as a sweetener and the body doesn't know which one you used. So choose the one that you like best, and use it everywhere in your cooking as a sugar substitute.
Any sweetener substitute can be used to replace sugar or carbs. in any recipe. This is very useful for diabetics who want to reduce their CHO intake.
You are totally correct :D Thanks for posting this info.
Can you provide Nutrition Info as my Mother-in law is diabetic, looking for a low sugar pumpkin pie
Here is a Splenda/sugar conversion chart, so you can just switch it in the recipe.
I'm diabetic myself and while I've never tried it, there are sugar substitutes specifically for baking such as Splenda. They measure cup for cup like sugar. Be aware that even if you don't add sugar, the flour in the crust, the pumpkin and even the cream add carbs.