Pumpkin pancakes
I would like to make these, but I’m questioning the amount of baking powder.
2 tablespoons sounds like alot. Should that be teaspoons?
Hi, Denise. The amount of baking soda in this recipe guarantees fluffy pancakes.
Baking powder or baking soda?
Thank you, Edna. Yes, that should be baking powder.
I am very interested in making these but “a can of pumpkin” ? Can you please let us know how much pumpkin to add specifically as cans are different sizes. Thank you. 🙂
1 cup of packed canned pumpkin is sufficient.
Can you make these without sugar or sugar substitutes and use some other sweetening?
Hi, Nancy. You can substitute with an equal amount of coconut sugar or with a heaping tablespooon of honey or pure maple syrup.
What is solid packed canned pumpkin? Can you provide a brand-name I am in Canada.
Libby’s is a popular packed pumpkin brand.