The position you sleep in can affect your health, so try not to sleep on your stomach!
How Your Sleeping Position Can Affect Your Health
It鈥檚 not a simplistic answer in that you could tell someone to 鈥渙nly sleep facing left or right.鈥
The real answer is: The best position is one in which you keep your spine in a neutral position.
"A neutral spine will ensure that your neck, upper back, and lower back are not put under stress and that your posture isn鈥檛 negatively affected. T" ??? What is the rest of the sentence?
It鈥檚 not a simplistic answer in that you could tell someone to 鈥渙nly sleep facing left or right.鈥
The real answer is: The best position is one in which you keep your spine in a neutral position.
"A neutral spine will ensure that your neck, upper back, and lower back are not put under stress and that your posture isn鈥檛 negatively affected. T" ??? What is the rest of the sentence?
It鈥檚 not a simplistic answer in that you could tell someone to 鈥渙nly sleep facing left or right.鈥
The real answer is: The best position is one in which you keep your spine in a neutral position.
"A neutral spine will ensure that your neck, upper back, and lower back are not put under stress and that your posture isn鈥檛 negatively affected. T" ??? What is the rest of the sentence?
I'm so different from everyone else. I find that if I sleep in the dark, I can't sleep. The curtains made dark, the sleep mask, no clock, no lights at all, Etc makes me Wide Awake. I found that I have to have a light on in order to go to sleep. I was always wondering why I couldn't go to sleep until dawn and then I would go right to sleep sitting in my chair. After years and years and years of doctors doing sleep test and, and sleep apnea test on me, I just recently found this out about myself. I know it is unusual, but then, all my doctors call me there Murphy's Law patient.
I sleep on my back. I had never given any thought to whether I moved or not until once when I was at a conference sharing a hotel room with 3 other ladies and the subject of who would sleep where came up. One of the ladies immediately said, " I'll sleep with Linda; she doesn't move." After that I noticed that I usually wake up in the same position that I went to sleep in.
I swap regularly between right and left, but other that that, I can only ever sleep on my side, more or less in the recovery position.
Even after chest surgery when I should have been sleeping on my back to keep my weight off the incisions, I would end up rolling over before I passed out, because I just couldn't sleep otherwise.
While I don't know for sure, I fully suspect my back has something to do with it; the curve in my lower back is exaggerated, so putting stress on my spine (even just from standing still) becomes painful rather quickly.
I've had problems getting a good night's sleep but now, I think I've found my solution.
I've get 6hrs' sleep each night by going through a ritual. The most important element is to religiously go to bed the same time, each evening. Mine is 11pm.
I have to repeat this ritual of reciting a dialog with myself . . ." that I will lie on my back several minutes, then turn to the right side. I talk pleasant thoughts about the next day's activities.
I'm a firm believer to stop eating and drinking liquids by 10pm.
Both sets of grandparents--originating from post WWI Europe & becoming 1st generation Americans--have consistently practiced sleeping head to East, feet to West, regardless of left-side/right-side dogmas in this country. They argue that if that direction is good enough for the earth's rotation, why buck the system? My wife & I sleep like the dead at night & feel energized when we get up with the Sun.
I heard on the radio once that you don't have to remember your dreams. We all must dream, but don't need to remember. I tell myself over and over before I go to bed that I don't have to remember my dreams. It works. I rarely remember dreams and when I do I tell myself again. I sleep soundly.
Nightmares have been linked to a low vitamin B deficiency. You might try taking nutritional yeast (non-fortified) to see if that helps.