In the pictures above it shows the jars of jam being stacked on top of each other. That is HUGE NO - NO!!!! It can pop the seal. I had this happen to me and threw the jam out. A good way to let bacteria in - like botulism. this is a well known fact and I now do not stack home can goods.
I felt the lemon was to strong in this recipe.
Are you posting about the blueberry jam? I’m wondering what size blueberries? The smaller baking size or the larger more plump size? Do the blueberries need to be fresh or can they be frozen? I freeze mine too as add to breakfast cereal. Thank you.
I asked a lot of people and its like the chicken and egg question. All I know is the staining of the fruit is different ? I know Jam has seed Raspberry does at least. Thanks
Although the process of making both jams and jellies involves using whole fruit, the finished jelly product contains just the juice of a fruit. This is why jelly is smooth (without lumps) and jam contains some fruit.See this article! /how-make-jelly