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Miss Silk (this is an awkward question) Though I am no expert, I have spent my life of 54 years closely in touch with all the forces of nature and believe everything in the natural world effects everything else. Therefore, there are an infinate number of variables that could affect your sex drive. I do believe the phases of the moon to be a strong influence though. Again, these are my opinions and not scientifically proven facts, but I also believe a woman's reproductive cycle, which is about the same length as the moon cycle, is most healthy when it is exactly since ibises with the moon. I also believe to be perfectly balanced, your sex drive should be synchronized with your period and at the highest point of your monthly fertility. Therefore, your sex drive would be aligned exactly with the phases of the moon, reaching its peak at the full moon, followed by few days (week) of moodiness, when you are not interested in sexual activity, then your period begins. Once that is over, your sexual desire, or instinct to reproduce, begins again with the new moon.

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