Dear Catherine,
Greetings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable and succinct read. A nice captivating intro. Well thought out and it's evident that you're well experienced. This is important for the whole world as everyone's lives change with Covid-19. I can understand the comment by Linda from Germany as many city dwelling folk around the planet live in high-rise apartments. There are definitely resources for that but for me, as i read through your article, many memories of my Dads' garden in my childhood showed up. I remembered the feel of soil under my toes and in my small hands, the smell of top-soil mixing with water and different vegetable leaves. I remember the sunlight coming through the canopy and shining on me. Thank you for the lessons and the memories. Best wishes, Jason.
Dear Catherine,
Greetings from Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia. I thank you for a thoroughly enjoyable and succinct read. A nice captivating intro. Well thought out and it's evident that you're well experienced. This is important for the whole world as everyone's lives change with Covid-19. I can understand the comment by Linda from Germany as many city dwelling folk around the planet live in high-rise apartments. There are definitely resources for that but for me, as i read through your article, many memories of my Dads' garden in my childhood showed up. I remembered the feel of soil under my toes and in my small hands, the smell of top-soil mixing with water and different vegetable leaves. I remember the sunlight coming through the canopy and shining on me. Thank you for the lessons and the memories. Best wishes, Jason.