I am a leapling. Born February 29, 1956. Never thought much about my birthday in my younger years. But now I embrace it and have fun. In 2020, my colleagues at work gave me a sweet sixteen party. I work at a community college and plan to have a party at my house on February 29 to raise money for our Student Emergency Fund. Party attendees will also be asked to bring a canned good for our Foodbank. In 2028, I hope to visit Anthony,NM. The Leap Year capital of the world! Happy birthday fellow leaplings!
I am a leapling. Born February 29, 1956. Never thought much about my birthday in my younger years. But now I embrace it and have fun. In 2020, my colleagues at work gave me a sweet sixteen party. I work at a community college and plan to have a party at my house on February 29 to raise money for our Student Emergency Fund. Party attendees will also be asked to bring a canned good for our Foodbank. In 2028, I hope to visit Anthony,NM. The Leap Year capital of the world! Happy birthday fellow leaplings!