The male worker bees, die and are replaced in the hive daily, at a high turnover rate. Basically, the workers, work themselves too death. Beekeepers, pick these fallen drones, and box, a weeks worth of daily stings, for mostly CP patients, however, also other maladies, such as arthritic, rheumatic, and persistent pain, due to swelling. The bees are already dead when sold, once home the patient squeezes the lower torso, exposing the still active, and valid stinger, plunging it into a desired area, daily. At, approximately an average of twenty-five too thirty-five bucks a week, for 7-10 weeks worth of bees, this income, from deceased worker males, helps the beekeeper, which in turn helps the bees.
The male worker bees, die and are replaced in the hive daily, at a high turnover rate. Basically, the workers, work themselves too death. Beekeepers, pick these fallen drones, and box, a weeks worth of daily stings, for mostly CP patients, however, also other maladies, such as arthritic, rheumatic, and persistent pain, due to swelling. The bees are already dead when sold, once home the patient squeezes the lower torso, exposing the still active, and valid stinger, plunging it into a desired area, daily. At, approximately an average of twenty-five too thirty-five bucks a week, for 7-10 weeks worth of bees, this income, from deceased worker males, helps the beekeeper, which in turn helps the bees.