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FiestyFeline (not verified)

14 years 1 month ago

Christmas , like Easter are two holidays that are what you make of them. several years ago I started a tradition of my own,for Christmas I had a tree trimming party. For years when I was growing up I saw the mess and the stress and arguments,and so on before the holidays, no one seemed to enjoy any thing of the season.When I moved away from home, I started the tradition,because to me the season meant many things to many people, so I would hand make the invitations, send them to every one I knew, all the neighbors friends, family even the post man the delivery persons and so on. The thing all of them had to do was bring a dish for the pot luck, a trim for the tree, and their family,friends and come to my house on the Saturday before Christmas. I spent a full week making baked goods,candy,and stockings for the children and small gifts to put in the stockings, from craft sticks,clothespins,pine cones, ect.Of course a little candy, usually home made.I have had people tell me that they looked forward to my next parties, and some even started their own.It wasn't the gifts they received when they left that made it notable, it was the idea that they all trimmed the tree together, some even checking out the balance and so on of the ornaments and lights, but most of all it was the sharing the laughing,and a stress buster, with no alcohol. It put everyone in the mood for the Holiday,and they all made new friends. And through the course of the years many made the ornaments for the tree. For me I always thought of Christmas as a time for sharing,not arguing. A time for laughing, not yelling, and giving gifts from the heart ,not how much money you can or cannot spend.I received a musical rendition of green sleeves from a friend of mine one tree party,she played the flute, and her husband cried. it was very moving, and all the others present were moved. That is celebrating a holiday.

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