1. Change Election Day to a National Holiday. ( POLL workers, POLICE, FIRST RESPONDERS and MEDICAL PERSONNEL and the NATIONAL GUARD will need to be employed. This alleviates CRUNCH time at the polls
2. Second MONDAY of November, not a Tuesday....: does not interrupt the work week; allows families to plan for child care if necessary. Gives people time to consider their values, discuss decisions with family regarding the importance of the vote.
1. Change Election Day to a National Holiday. ( POLL workers, POLICE, FIRST RESPONDERS and MEDICAL PERSONNEL and the NATIONAL GUARD will need to be employed. This alleviates CRUNCH time at the polls
2. Second MONDAY of November, not a Tuesday....: does not interrupt the work week; allows families to plan for child care if necessary. Gives people time to consider their values, discuss decisions with family regarding the importance of the vote.