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Linda Pries (not verified)

9 years 5 months ago

I still believe that a lot of this is overkill. If I washed my hands before and after touching my face and after touching animals I would never have a chance to leave my bathroom. I have 5 dogs and 4 cats. The dogs are in my lap whenever I sit down, I pet them while I am doing other things. I don't think I wash my hands even once a day most days. That said, if I come down with a cold or other illness more than once or twice a year it would be very unusual. I think people have become so obsessed with germs that they have made themselves susceptible to any little bug that comes along. I don't use hand sanitizer, I don't sanitize countertops or stovetops and I often leave leftovers out overnight and reheat the next day before refrigerating them and I have never had salmonella or other issues.

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