I had a terrible in gestation of these little buggers! They were living and eating my lone birch tree. Went to my local Garden Center and got the Milky Spore after talking to the garden lady who recommended it. Spread it around my tree like the directions said. That was 2 years ago. No new beetles til now. But there are very few and not in my birch tree. They are eating my hostas, which I don't mind. I hate those guys anyway!
I had a terrible in gestation of these little buggers! They were living and eating my lone birch tree. Went to my local Garden Center and got the Milky Spore after talking to the garden lady who recommended it. Spread it around my tree like the directions said. That was 2 years ago. No new beetles til now. But there are very few and not in my birch tree. They are eating my hostas, which I don't mind. I hate those guys anyway!