Thyroid conditions cause brittle nails. It can be in both finger and toenails or just in one with the other clear or having a nail fungus. Most people will notice ridges in their thumbs and first finger nails then the thinning of the nail itself. Soon, the nail will splinter. Keeping a check on your thyroid every 6 months will keep you up to date on how your body is working. Women with 'bad periods' or no periods for months usually have a thyroid problem.
Thyroid conditions cause brittle nails. It can be in both finger and toenails or just in one with the other clear or having a nail fungus. Most people will notice ridges in their thumbs and first finger nails then the thinning of the nail itself. Soon, the nail will splinter. Keeping a check on your thyroid every 6 months will keep you up to date on how your body is working. Women with 'bad periods' or no periods for months usually have a thyroid problem.