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Hi Tom,

Sorry to hear about your rust issues. Rust fungi can only survive by feeding off of live plant tissue. While it does not intentionally kill a plant, those infected may have reduced vigor due to the rust’s ability to divert plant resources for its own needs.

Rust is spread by spores that are transferred from infected plants to healthy plants by wind or water. Because it needs live plant tissue to survive, it is best to remove all infected plant parts and destroy them. You will also want to remove all debris in between plants to prevent it from spreading. And when watering, avoid splashing any water on to leaves, making it a point to water at soil level.

Since it needs live plant tissue to survive, it is important to remove all signs of it at the end of the growing season and clear away any plant debris that is in the garden bed. When choosing plants for next year, look for varieties that are rust-resistant and space plants in a way that promotes good air circulation. Since there are many rust varieties, talk to your local garden center or cooperative extension about products that are effective in your area.


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