Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....this is actually a very beautiful specimen of a garter snake. I do everything I can to protect hem, they eat tons of bugs, mice and voles. I don't even kill rattlesnakes, they eat a lot of mice and voles. Snakes don't attack you unless they are threatened, if you come across a garter snake just stomp your foot, they move away. They are harmless to humans.
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder.....this is actually a very beautiful specimen of a garter snake. I do everything I can to protect hem, they eat tons of bugs, mice and voles. I don't even kill rattlesnakes, they eat a lot of mice and voles. Snakes don't attack you unless they are threatened, if you come across a garter snake just stomp your foot, they move away. They are harmless to humans.