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newt (not verified)

3 years 8 months ago

Christ told HIS apostles that just as Jonah was in the belly of the whale for 3 FULL Days aka 72 HOURS, so HE would be in the grave for same length of time. That said, HE was Crucified on Wednesday afternoon, Buried BEFORE Sundown, & Resurrected AFTER Sundown Saturday!! Jewish Day starts at SUNDOWN not midnight each day. Sooooo, HE was in the grave ALL day Thursday*Friday*Saturday....not just portions of those 24 hour periods.
People really need to Research the Truth instead of just taking a human's word as "gospel"!
Passover is a High HOLY Day. It started at Sundown Wednesday aka beginning of Thursday during this timeline in history. Thursday was a day of Rest, just as the 7th Day Sabbath*Saturday is & Wednesday*Friday were the Preparation days for those Sabbaths.
***Ishtar aka "easter" is a Pagan celebration the UNholy Roman system adapted giving it a "christian" definition. Nowhere in the Early Apostolic*Christian church History was this or any other so called "christian" Holliday kept!!

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