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Roads End Llamas (not verified)

11 years 8 months ago

Pretty straight forward information and is consistent with my recent 'nutritionist' visit. Here's an interesting catch 22 that may be presenting itself to at least a significant percentage of the population NOT confronted with obesity, but who have a need to revisit cholesterol levels via diet control (like me). Like you, who appears to have a very active physical life on or in a farm environment, I spend as much as 20-30 hours a week on top of a desk jockey job involved in all the physical activities associated with managing livestock. Average daily calorie intake just to maintain body weight runs between 3,000 and 5,000 calories DAILY. Would be interested in seeing something on how to balance the whole 'no saturated, no polyunsaturated' fat and accelerated fiber diet with that kind of calorie intake needs. I recognize obesity is a universal concern, but the challenges confronted by those with 'other' issues appears to be discounted as not quite so important. Trust me, losing weight when you are at optimum but need to alter diet is as equally problematic. Might make for an interesting flip side post.

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