Somewhere along the line I was told that when you are harvesting lavender stems, to leave a few on the plant for the bees. I've seen photos/videos of the harvesting process (huge farm fields) showing them cutting the stems and leaving the bunches on top of the trimmed plant, maybe to give the bees a chance to realize something's going on. You do feel kind of guilty taking the flowers away ftom them, though. Plant some African Blue Basil for a real bee magnet; you only have to remove spent flowers and nobody gets their feelings hurt, 'cause there're always more. (And African Blue is not exactly culinary, but is edible.)
Somewhere along the line I was told that when you are harvesting lavender stems, to leave a few on the plant for the bees. I've seen photos/videos of the harvesting process (huge farm fields) showing them cutting the stems and leaving the bunches on top of the trimmed plant, maybe to give the bees a chance to realize something's going on. You do feel kind of guilty taking the flowers away ftom them, though. Plant some African Blue Basil for a real bee magnet; you only have to remove spent flowers and nobody gets their feelings hurt, 'cause there're always more. (And African Blue is not exactly culinary, but is edible.)