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This would seem to be a fungal infection called plant rust, as mentioned below. Unfortunately, not much can be done to save infected parts, so the idea is to prevent it from spreading. For starters, don’t water from the top, as this disturbs the spores and trickles them down to new prey. Carefully remove and dispose of (as in burn or throw away in a bag; don’t put in your compost) all infected leaves. Also remove the very top layer of soil (you are trying to get rid of as many spores as possible). Continually monitor/do this. In the meantime, you can be making some compost tea by putting a shovelful into about 5 gallons of water and letting it sit for a week. Then strain and spray on your plants. Another option is a 10:1 water/hydrogen peroxide mixture, although you need to be careful not to get burned by the latter. A copper-based fungicide might also work. Try consulting with your local cooperative extension — and good luck!

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