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Hi Lois. Thanks for writing in!

There are a number of factors that can be affecting your plants’ growth. Growing zucchinis in containers can be tricky because they are more dependent on you for nutrients, especially calcium, which is needed for fruit production.

Small fruit can also be a sign of poor pollination, drought stress, or lack of sunlight. It is important to have pollinator attracting plants near your zucchinis for best pollination. Zucchinis need at least an inch of water each week and it is even more important to be mindful of watering practices when growing in containers. Zucchinis also need 6 to 8 hours of direct sunlight each day. You can also certainly add some organic matter to the existing soil.

Blossom end rot is also a possibility, but in those cases the fruit typically shrivels and rots in a short amount of time. Hope this helps!

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