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Unfortunately, it is unlikely that the tulip bulbs would rebloom during the same year. You can remove any remaining flowering stalks, but keep the leaves, if they are still there, as that will allow the plant to make food for the coming winter/spring. Some tulip types may not flower the following year, but others may bloom for several years. 

In most northern areas, you can keep the bulbs in the ground over winter. (If they are in containers, though, they will need extra protection.) In warm climate areas (Zones 7b to 10), to increase the chance for healthy blooms next year, you may need to dig bulbs up after foliage has browned/died and store for about 10 to 12 weeks in a cool/dark place (such as an unheated garage, or in a bag in the refrigerator crisper away from fruit/veggies, some of which emit ethylene gas that can damage the bulbs/developing flowers [ideally, it’s best to use a separate refrigerator away from food]) to give them a needed period of cold. Alternatively, in mild climates you can treat your tulips as annuals and buy new pre-chilled bulbs for the next planting season.

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