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Figs are tricky to harvest as they need to be picked when they are fully ripe because they will not continue to ripen once picked.

With that being said, there could be other issues that led to your figs lacking that delicious flavor. Prolonged periods of heat or drought can affect the taste as can too much water. If it is an issue with lack of water, using straw or mulch to help with moisture retention would help. Fig trees also need 8 hours of sunlight a day and less than that can hinder the production of natural sugars. Figs don’t always require fertilization, but the addition of phosphorus and potassium help with fruit growth. Too much nitrogen may cause your tree to focus on growth instead of fruiting. Fertilizer should be added when the tree is dormant during the late fall, winter, and again in early spring.

It could also be a sign of disease, as fungi and bacteria brought about by insects can also cause a bland flavor of ripe figs. Checking your fruit for insects would be a way to see if there is a need for pest control or to rule it out as an issue.


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