Hello, My rhubarb plant flower stalks became rather large before I got the chance to cut them. Since they were so big there were many leaf stalks coming off the main flower stalk. Are the stalks from the flower stalk edible? They look just like the regular rhubarb stalks, and I don't like to waste anything, so I was hoping they are also edible and use them like I would regular rhubarb stalks. Thank you.
Hello, My rhubarb plant flower stalks became rather large before I got the chance to cut them. Since they were so big there were many leaf stalks coming off the main flower stalk. Are the stalks from the flower stalk edible? They look just like the regular rhubarb stalks, and I don't like to waste anything, so I was hoping they are also edible and use them like I would regular rhubarb stalks. Thank you.