Greater than 15yr old blueberry bushes, last year one had a few new branches with bright red berries, not blue berries that weren't ripe. This year a bunch more, look a lot like honeysuckle berries. These branches are sprouting off the main trunk and producing these bright red berries right next to other shoots that are produceing blueberries. All from the same plant! What is going on with my blueberries!! Please help!
Greater than 15yr old blueberry bushes, last year one had a few new branches with bright red berries, not blue berries that weren't ripe. This year a bunch more, look a lot like honeysuckle berries. These branches are sprouting off the main trunk and producing these bright red berries right next to other shoots that are produceing blueberries. All from the same plant! What is going on with my blueberries!! Please help!