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Dan (not verified)

7 years 5 months ago

Hi, I just purchased some land, and the previous owner planted grape vines a couple years ago, (not sure if it was 1 or 2 years) but he had kept the land maintained up to last year. We looked at the property back in March and put an offer on it and got the land, but with the process of closing and everything, we only took possession a couple weeks ago. Now the land is a field with 4 foot high grass, I started mowing and was looking at the grapes, and there are some massive weeds growing in there, like 1 inch diameter weeds. (the prickly kind, but way bigger than I've ever seen on my lawn) There are several rows of grapes and I was planning on spraying week killer or maybe even spot spray round up, but after reading this and a couple other things, it seems grapes are very sensitive to weed killers. I was wondering if there is a weed killer that would be safer than others for this. Also, I missed the chance for any pruning I'm sure, but is there a way to tell how old they are and if I should remove the flower clusters like you suggested for second year vines.

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