Ponytail palms are tolerant of a pretty wide range of conditions, so I wouldn’t hesitate to give it a try in the locations you’ve mentioned. Ponytail palms thrive on direct, all-day light, but even so, five hours of continuous Florida sun might prove stressful. Watch for curling leaves or leaves turning brown, two possible indicators of too much direct sun. The University of Wisconsin extension service offers some helpful ponytail palm advice:
Ponytail palms are tolerant of a pretty wide range of conditions, so I wouldn’t hesitate to give it a try in the locations you’ve mentioned. Ponytail palms thrive on direct, all-day light, but even so, five hours of continuous Florida sun might prove stressful. Watch for curling leaves or leaves turning brown, two possible indicators of too much direct sun. The University of Wisconsin extension service offers some helpful ponytail palm advice: