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Hi Mary,

Sorry to hear about the condition of your ponytail palm. Given its age and story within your family, you should certainly try to save it. It might be a slow process of nursing it back to health, but it can be done.

You mentioned that the top fell off. You should inspect the top of the stem to see if it has the same firmness as the lower part of the trunk. If not, you will want to cut down to where the stem is firm with a squeeze. If it is firm just below the breaking point, you still might want to give it a cut for a clean look depending on what the break looks like. 

You should let it adjust to its new growing environment in your home and hold off on repotting for now. Too many changes could be detrimental to your already struggling plant.

Make sure you give it plenty of bright, indirect sunlight and only water occasionally during the winter. Ponytail palms like fairly dry soil. 

Good luck!

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