In general, using tree paint or sealer is no longer recommended, as it can slow natural healing. Where oak wilt is a problem, however, some experts recommend immediately using tree paint or pruning sealer on the pruning cuts for oaks only. The sap-feeding insects that spread the oak wilt fungus can sense tree wounds (and sap), so the sealer helps to prevent them from detecting the cut. For all other trees, it’s best to avoid using sealer/tree paint, however.
In general, using tree paint or sealer is no longer recommended, as it can slow natural healing. Where oak wilt is a problem, however, some experts recommend immediately using tree paint or pruning sealer on the pruning cuts for oaks only. The sap-feeding insects that spread the oak wilt fungus can sense tree wounds (and sap), so the sealer helps to prevent them from detecting the cut. For all other trees, it’s best to avoid using sealer/tree paint, however.