First, alcohol does not sterilize; 1/2 bleach and 1/2 H2O is best for dipping pruning shears in between plants. Rinse the solution off before cutting. Roses can be pruned all blooming season long by cutting back stems that have bloomed back to above a leaf with 5 leaflets. Depending on the shape and overall size one wants their roses to be, the drastic cutting back is not necessarily advisable.
First, alcohol does not sterilize; 1/2 bleach and 1/2 H2O is best for dipping pruning shears in between plants. Rinse the solution off before cutting. Roses can be pruned all blooming season long by cutting back stems that have bloomed back to above a leaf with 5 leaflets. Depending on the shape and overall size one wants their roses to be, the drastic cutting back is not necessarily advisable.