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Sierra (not verified)

6 years 5 months ago

Most of the temperatures come from stations that are near big cities so as these cities get hotter, average temperatures will rise. We have already seen this.

The energy that CO2 absorbs mostly comes from IR emissions from Earth so if we can cool the ground, the atmosphere will cool. However water vapor is far and away more important when it comes to warming as it can absorb wavelengths from IR and the Sun.

The changes in solar output is significant on Earth's temperatures just as temps have changed on Mars. I believe we are going to see a cooling trend because of the solar minimum IF it pans out as expected. NASA's solar observatories are giving us invaluable data. Scientists have been telling us that the weather has been unusually calm and constant over the past 100 years. I expect that to change. I only wish I could see the tidal pools return to the Sahara, and yes they will return in about 300 years.

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