...is your describing a few "Strange Number Connections" as "perverse!" - describing them that way at all, let alone on a par with a scorned husband keeping the beheaded skull of his rival in a jar! Indeed, I found the three number connections you identified as rather awesome. I'm especially intrigued by the 90 trillion atoms within our cells *and* 90 trillion stars in the home galaxy. So it's true - what the Hopi Indians, Joni Mitchell, and staff at National Geographic have all said (among others): we are stardust. Well, anyway, I'd love to stay and mention other intriguing aspects of this article, but I better be on my way. Being 2000 Light Years From Home, I've got a long trip ahead of me. :D
...is your describing a few "Strange Number Connections" as "perverse!" - describing them that way at all, let alone on a par with a scorned husband keeping the beheaded skull of his rival in a jar! Indeed, I found the three number connections you identified as rather awesome. I'm especially intrigued by the 90 trillion atoms within our cells *and* 90 trillion stars in the home galaxy. So it's true - what the Hopi Indians, Joni Mitchell, and staff at National Geographic have all said (among others): we are stardust. Well, anyway, I'd love to stay and mention other intriguing aspects of this article, but I better be on my way. Being 2000 Light Years From Home, I've got a long trip ahead of me. :D