You can have the wood treated by temperature ie freezing or heating if it is important to you. It can be expensive depending on the quantity of wood and your location but it is possible to do. Some people reclaim wood that was from the front porch of say their grandfathers porch and it might have had some bad insect damage. It could be treated by chemical but the process would destroy the wood due to age. Some companies can use freezing and thawing at specific rates to kill all adult and larval stages of insect life without further damage to the wood and then you can treat the wood with any kind of stain or varnish to protect it you like. A friend did it and it was VERY expensive but it was for a small hallway and very sentimental so for him it was worth it to come home every day and walk in to the same boards his father had walked into as a small child. Might be worth looking into if you haven't already solved your problem.
You can have the wood treated by temperature ie freezing or heating if it is important to you. It can be expensive depending on the quantity of wood and your location but it is possible to do. Some people reclaim wood that was from the front porch of say their grandfathers porch and it might have had some bad insect damage. It could be treated by chemical but the process would destroy the wood due to age. Some companies can use freezing and thawing at specific rates to kill all adult and larval stages of insect life without further damage to the wood and then you can treat the wood with any kind of stain or varnish to protect it you like. A friend did it and it was VERY expensive but it was for a small hallway and very sentimental so for him it was worth it to come home every day and walk in to the same boards his father had walked into as a small child. Might be worth looking into if you haven't already solved your problem.