Joanne, I just came across this web page. If you are interested in worshipping shabbat or the holidays, you can either see the service streamed on your computer @ "centralsynagogue dot org" or if you have Directv on channel 388 JBS (Jewish Broadcating Station). I hope this may help you to feel included in the greater Jewish community. It is a reform congregation in NYC, & very inclusive with a great clergy. L'Shanah Tovah, I wish you a great New Year & an easy fast.
Joanne, I just came across this web page. If you are interested in worshipping shabbat or the holidays, you can either see the service streamed on your computer @ "centralsynagogue dot org" or if you have Directv on channel 388 JBS (Jewish Broadcating Station). I hope this may help you to feel included in the greater Jewish community. It is a reform congregation in NYC, & very inclusive with a great clergy. L'Shanah Tovah, I wish you a great New Year & an easy fast.