I would like to send a photo as I am not sure what this is on my kalanchoe. It looks like the leaves are washed with watered down white paint--assume it is a sort of mildew, and this spectacular plant (south Florida) is a gonner. I do not see it on any of my other outdoor potted plants--thought at first it was burned. Can you help without a photo? Thank you!
I just now read that it is invasive in Florida, so will not feel so bad about disposing of it in a plastic bag!
I would like to send a photo as I am not sure what this is on my kalanchoe. It looks like the leaves are washed with watered down white paint--assume it is a sort of mildew, and this spectacular plant (south Florida) is a gonner. I do not see it on any of my other outdoor potted plants--thought at first it was burned. Can you help without a photo? Thank you!
I just now read that it is invasive in Florida, so will not feel so bad about disposing of it in a plastic bag!