The Earth tilts 23degrees-33minutes at an angle to its tropical plane of its rotation around the sun. In its movment with Sun in the Milkieway Galaxy the siderial plane is the plane the movement it makes. The tropical plane retrogrades backwardly across the sidereal plane approximately one degree every 72years. All points on Earth rotate backwards across the sidereal zodiac one degree per 72years. Remember the song "THIS IS THE AGE OF AQUARIUS". THAT WAS BECAUSE the backward movements of all points on the SUN EARTH TROPICAL PLANE ROTATED BACKWARDS RELATIVE TO THE SIDEREAL'S PLANE. AND THE START POINT OF THE TROPICAL PLANE ZODIAC WENT FROM PISISES TO RETROGRADE INTO AQUARIUS OF THE SIDEREAL'S PLANE A BACKWARDS. MOVEMENT. REMEMBER THERE TWO PLANES THE EARTH'S TROPICAL AND THE SIDEREAL PLANE OF THE MILKIEWAY'S
The Earth tilts 23degrees-33minutes at an angle to its tropical plane of its rotation around the sun. In its movment with Sun in the Milkieway Galaxy the siderial plane is the plane the movement it makes. The tropical plane retrogrades backwardly across the sidereal plane approximately one degree every 72years. All points on Earth rotate backwards across the sidereal zodiac one degree per 72years. Remember the song "THIS IS THE AGE OF AQUARIUS". THAT WAS BECAUSE the backward movements of all points on the SUN EARTH TROPICAL PLANE ROTATED BACKWARDS RELATIVE TO THE SIDEREAL'S PLANE. AND THE START POINT OF THE TROPICAL PLANE ZODIAC WENT FROM PISISES TO RETROGRADE INTO AQUARIUS OF THE SIDEREAL'S PLANE A BACKWARDS. MOVEMENT. REMEMBER THERE TWO PLANES THE EARTH'S TROPICAL AND THE SIDEREAL PLANE OF THE MILKIEWAY'S