I remember all of the blizzards mentioned in the article, and yet the blizzard I remember most was not covered. For me, the worst blizzard in memory culminated on February 26th, 2010, when it killed my dad.
It had been snowing hard for several days in upstate NY. We had drifts well over our heads, and snow up past our waists. There was nowhere else to put it, despite a pickup with a plow and desperate efforts to keep up. Dad tried to take out his trash, and had a heart attack in the driveway. It took over an hour for the ambulance to finally get through because of the snow. I was fresh out of a wheelchair, myself, yet sitting in the snow breathing for him, while the garbage man pumped his heart, just trying to keep him alive till the paramedics arrived to take over.
I remember all of the blizzards mentioned in the article, and yet the blizzard I remember most was not covered. For me, the worst blizzard in memory culminated on February 26th, 2010, when it killed my dad.
It had been snowing hard for several days in upstate NY. We had drifts well over our heads, and snow up past our waists. There was nowhere else to put it, despite a pickup with a plow and desperate efforts to keep up. Dad tried to take out his trash, and had a heart attack in the driveway. It took over an hour for the ambulance to finally get through because of the snow. I was fresh out of a wheelchair, myself, yet sitting in the snow breathing for him, while the garbage man pumped his heart, just trying to keep him alive till the paramedics arrived to take over.
February is not my favorite month.