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Hello! I had an infestation of red/orange ants and carpenter ants. To the point i would not plant until they were gone. Coffee grounds from morning coffee with my son eliminated the issue in ONE application. I had probably 6 filter of used grounds. I put 2 in the soil where the ants were. And the rest all around the garden. More around where the ants were. The very next day, I was excited to see, i could work the soil now with no worries. After being bit by fire ants during my 3rd (last) pregnancy, having over 500 bites, a swollen leg and lots of red hot pain, I put coffee grounds on my knees, lower legs, and feet. The ants stay away. I just finished pulling some Asian Cilantro, (it just rained so the grounds nice and soft) where the ants were, so many ants. Lol and didnt see any. :) I know ants are needed to aerate the soil, but this was dangerous really. Plain ol used coffee grounds. Don't do it too often though. After a good rain has dried a bit. Now I have Japanese beetles eating my zuchini leaves. I have to fix that. Early morning bug picking. Makes me wish I had some chickens! Good luck and happy gardening! 😊

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