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Steve (not verified)

1 year 11 months ago

Great article. Anyone who understands basic astronomy understands what you said. I do astro photography for fun and as you state, unless you do a time lapse around the North Star (giving that bullseye image when stacked) there's no way any star "points" to anything. Or a magical kid born of "virgin birth" by a woman who more known for "comfort". Or who flies above the clouds and allows boundless suffering in the world but wants the Dallas Cowboys to win a football game every Sunday. Its so utterly ridiculous when you actually think about it, there's gotta be a social/societal aspect about it.

This says WAY WAY more about the silly (and evil) humans and their rituals, used to reduce stress they feel when unable to explain nature re the former AND the need for those in power to continue to exert it over we "common people" in the later. Think all those ridiculous cautionary statements in airports where some bogeyman gives you a multimillion dollar box of contraband to take on airplane for them. Criminals are dumb but even they arent THAT dumb. Try explaining to a boss how you let some rube carry your $10 million box to some rube who got caught. No TSA, even we common folk arent THAT dumb.

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