Bubba is my friend and companion! Just a wonderful dog!!
To stop my dog from pooping in the house. The last pup I had would not do her business outside. I tried all the methods that worked in the past, but nothing worked. So I tried something new. The next time she went in the house, I took the dog, showed her the pile, rubbed her nose in it, yelled, screamed, smacked her on the nose with a newspaper...In short anything to scare the dog. Next I scooped up the pile, took it outside in the middle of the back yard. Took the dog out, showed her the pile and praise and petted the dog a lot. That was the last time she went in the house. Hope this helps.
My family has recently adopted a small dog from the pound, and she keeps on using my room as her bathroom! Any idea's as to make her see that this is not ok?!
My naughty puppy barks at men? Not too sure what to do... Thx
I am at my wits end with my Maltese/bichon cross, barking, chewing just outright naughty. I have tried all bark collars, does not learn from them, soon as I take it off he is at it again, currently trying bark busters, very expensive, once again does not learn, barks when no one home, don't want to give away but it is real. Problem, can anyone have any ideas of how to fix the problem
The first step is to identify why the dog barks: protection, fear, separation anxiety, boredom, etc. Here is a helpful document on type of barking and some solutions:
One trick we've tried is tying the "quiet" command to rewards. We hope this is a helpful start . . .
How can I stop my dog from jumping onto the dining table and kitchen counters and coffee table ? Once he's there we say off and he'll get down but I'd rather him not get up there in the first place.
Thank you in advance
Depending on why the dog is doing this will affect what approach might be successful. Hunger, attention, curiosity, boredom, etc. Some people have had success putting double-sided tape on the edges of the counter; the dog may not like the feel of it. Or, spraying the dog with a bit of water when he hops up. Some owners leave empty soda cans on the counter near a large treat, such as meat. When the dog finds the meat and knocks over the cans, the noise may scare him off; he may think that it isn't so pleasant an experience to hop up on counters next time (don't try this with a nervous dog, though). Of course, it helps to keep food off the counters, so the dog isn't tempted. Keep a bored dog more occupied. If your dog is always hungry, ask your vet about what foods might be more filling but not more fattening. For more information and suggestions, you might be interested in this article from the ASPCA:
This is my first time having a puppy and no matter what I do he will not use the bathroom outside, only inside. How do I change this? I've tried to puppy pads and rubbing his nose in it and i have tried to pick him up and take him outside.
at the moment I have puppy pads all over the house! HELP
There is not an easy answer but here are some suggestions from others who had this challenge:
Also, here is a good vet reference page: