My friend has a 7 year old male that has recently started to pull his fur our by the mouthful, why would he do this?
There are several reasons why a cat might start to pull out its fur. Sometimes it indicates an allergy that is making the skin itch, such as from bites from fleas (especially around the base of the tail) or mites, or to a new food or medication. (If a new food—try another selection to see if the behavior stops in a week or two. If a new medication, ask a vet about an alternative.) If the cat is focusing on a certain spot, it could be that that area is uncomfortable, such as due to a cyst or arthritic joints. Certain diseases, or bacterial or fungal infections, can also lead to fur falling out. A cat may also start pulling out its fur when stressed out, nervous, or anxious. Has the cat’s environment or routine changed in any way, such as a new person or pet in the household? Also, some cats are especially sensitive to their owner’s moods; if that person becomes stressed, the cat can become stressed, too. If the pulling hair continues, we suggest that your friend ask a vet about possible causes/treatments. Hope the cat feels better soon!
I had a cat named Scruffy once too. I loved that cat!
I have a cat named baby boy and he was sick but he is better now
Was your scruffy a Tiffany cat?
When did Scruffy die?
i thought my cat Stormy was giving me a stink eye look today (she often does, gives me stink eye and acts like I am rediculous) but when I looked again I notice her left eye is a bit swollen. She has no discharge but it does look like its been leaking liquid because she has tear marks. She is still active and eating...no change in behavior. Is there anything I can do for her without a pricey vet bill???????
What can I give my dog to help her stop u urinating so much, she drinking a lot of water..
Please be mindful of how much water your pet is drinking. If increased a great deal, please get your pet to the vet. This happened to ours and it turned out to be diabetic. He also had begun to have bad breath , and there was increased urination. It is so important to watch these little things in your pets day to day. Any time their daily habits change, pay attention. We lost our little boy yesterday after a really long fight to battle this disease and once it reached a certain stage, there was nothing anyone could do but let him go. Just don't wait to get your pets the medical care they need.
I want to take to the vet so bad but I really can't afford it, I don't work ,but I try to keep up with her shots,I tried to find a vet that could look at how her for a really low cost,,so I try to look on the Internet to find solutions for her.