Please be mindful of how much water your pet is drinking. If increased a great deal, please get your pet to the vet. This happened to ours and it turned out to be diabetic. He also had begun to have bad breath , and there was increased urination. It is so important to watch these little things in your pets day to day. Any time their daily habits change, pay attention. We lost our little boy yesterday after a really long fight to battle this disease and once it reached a certain stage, there was nothing anyone could do but let him go. Just don't wait to get your pets the medical care they need.
Please be mindful of how much water your pet is drinking. If increased a great deal, please get your pet to the vet. This happened to ours and it turned out to be diabetic. He also had begun to have bad breath , and there was increased urination. It is so important to watch these little things in your pets day to day. Any time their daily habits change, pay attention. We lost our little boy yesterday after a really long fight to battle this disease and once it reached a certain stage, there was nothing anyone could do but let him go. Just don't wait to get your pets the medical care they need.