What Are Those Bugs in My Flour?!
Buy yourself one of the battery operated fly swatters.
Hold this up to them and they will fry. No mess on your
Use the extension wand and crevice tool with your vacuum cleaner to suck them up where you see them. It doesn鈥檛 leave any smears. Some essential oil in the vacuum will kill them if they survive the tortious route to the vacuum tank.
I had an infestation of these annoying pest due to storing bird seed in my basement. Needless to say I don't feed birds anymore as these little monsters were driving my wife crazy, not me so much but still annoying and embarrassing. This was over a year ago and now this spring I been noticing a few of these flying around. I'm going to try the traps as discussed here. In the mean time I just try to kill the ones flying around. If I catch one sleeping hanging on a wall, etc. instead of smashing them and getting the mess on the wall it I've been using handheld cordless vacuum to suck them in, works great, give it try. We have one of those Dysons so I think they also get chopped up as it sucks them in.
Do u worry about storing vac and spreading to other rooms when u use vac. How do u clean interior of vac?
We have them everywhere! I've cleaned the cabinets out. What else can I do? They are on the ceilings in the kitchen, living room and bathroom! They are making us nuts! Do I have to clean the tops of the cabinets too? Will bleach be a good option? Traps? I really don't know. It's making me crazy.
I worked 2 days solid 7 AM to 10:30 PM to try to rid these pests. I read on a site to clean cabinet shelves, areas with soap and water, then wipe with white vinegar. I'm still seeing the flying pests and their worms on my counter top. I just ordered the traps and hope like heck it helps to rid them. I had to throw out 3 boxes of cereal, vanilla wafers, 2 boxes of crackers, flour, corn meal and even cocoa. I had them in sealed containers, never thinking anything could weasel their way in. They have driven me nuts, so I hope the traps will work wonders.
I threw out nearly everything. Then I vacuumed them up, washed shelves, sprayed with vinegar. I was sure I got them all. I bought sealed containers, new food supplies, etc. I also bought Dr. Killigans pantry moth traps & placed them in the pantry & elsewhere just in case there were any other strays around. They work great, but are full & driving me crazy. I cannot figure out how they are still multiplying. Ready to pull my hair out! Did you ever get rid of yours. It has been several months since complete cleaning & I don鈥檛 think they ever will be gone!馃檮
Clean everything. Like every square inch of the kitchen, including spraying in the cracks. I had them for over a year & to finally get rid of them, I had to toss all my grains and spices- anything not in an airtight container (which was a lot of stuff). I sprayed and scrubbed inside every cabinet and then put traps out. I was shocked by the number of moths the traps caught after the deep cleaning I did. But I finally got rid of them!
What did you spray with please? And did you spray the ceilings in addition to wall, cabinets, etc?
I've been fighting them for 6 months! The traps work great but you need to find their source! I found a worm in the rim of an as yet not opened jelly jar! They had not gotten into the jelly but we're in the rim!! So you have to check EVERY package, jar, box, etc. to wipe them out! They can come in on fabric, cereal, flour, grain products, any dry food products. Good luck. I'm still waging war on the moths. Check fabric napkins, table runners, everything!