Preventing Rodents From Taking Over Your Home
I don't have a kind heart for mice or red squirrels, they are highly destructive and cause money, grief and health problems. Kill one and 10 mice take the place, in swarms. Mice are carriers of the Lyme disease, as do chipmunks. The later don't bother me and are fun to see their antics.
In VT in 3 months on about 1/8th acre I pulled 196 ticks off me and got bit about 12-15 times and have had Lyme. That's the enjoyment of mice. They also ruin vehicle wiring, house wiring, books, clothing etc. Ya I feel for them. Two methods I find best, a baited trap and a 5 gallon bucket with water / anti-freeze and a rotating plastic jar with peanut butter, have drowned over a dozen in a short time. Poor little things.
Hav-A-Heart Traps are wonderful and THEY DO WORK ! Each year I catch a few mice ... usually in the Spring or after Heavy Rainfall - Use Skippy Creamy Peanut Butter as bait ... works like a charm. I always leave the trap baited for about a week afterwards since mice seem to enjoy the Buddy System. I take the mice out to the woods for release and say, "God Bless and go find yourself a new home." What always surprises me is that once released the mice will scamper up trees and go up pretty high in seconds. I once felt as if I was not cleaning my house properly but then I found out that most of the neighbors have the same issue once or twice a year. Sometimes it is hard to find entry ways for mice. Good Luck Everyone !
Have had mice invade my house the last 2 or 3 years. Keep setting traps and Catch the dumb ones, but they still keep coming in. This year I read to put salted peanut butter on traps. Put on peanut butter then salted it. Caught 14 this year and haven't seen any more this year so far. Maybe they took the hint!
I leave a peanut butter baited Havahart trap near their entry point...it's effective. But I wonder about this: "We release the squirrels outdoors, even close to our home". It's my understanding that they can find their way "home" from miles away. I've been moving them a few miles down the road. The humane society has some thoughts about that but be warned...they care more about the wildlife than they do about your sanity. (link to their website not allowed, but it's easy to find....access HumaneSociety and then look for "Scrap the trap when evicting wildlife")
Bob is correct ! Havahart Traps really do work. The article states that live traps do not work for mice --- totally wrong. The Havahart traps are exceptional in catching mice. I once felt bad about having a mouse in my basement only to find out that almost all of my neighbors would have an occasional mouse in their house as well. I now keep a peanut butter baited Havahart trap in my basement just in case and I check it daily. Only 2 mice this year so that is pretty good. I also have 2 adopted cats and 1 dog. Dog catches everything !!!
Two nights ago, I noticed chew marks on the corners of my kitchen cupboards and I am freaked out. It sounds like I may have a rodent problem. I tried the snap traps yesterday but it didn't catch anything. Having rats in my kitchen is my worst nightmare as they multiply so quickly and it becomes a health hazard. I will be looking into hiring a pest control service who will be able to put an end to my rodent problem.
Thank to you for this article! I would like to share some more points
*Peppermint Oil
*Instant potatoes
*Mixture of Plaster of Paris with Cocoa Powder
*Hot Pepper flakes
Cayene powder where the they enter shake it into holes
Our neighbor hood is invaded with these creatures! We feed the birds ,so they are attracted to what falls on the ground. They dug up a batch of my tulips & stored them somewhere!
I once had a rat take up residence in my home. When I eliminated all food and water sources the rat start snacking from my cat's litter box! I tried everything else then I resorted to poison. The one and only time I've used it. I had to make sure water was available so the rat wouldn't go outside looking for it.
I located the rat soon after it died and disposed of it properly so that no animal could be harmed by eating it.
Now I have an excellent mouser and I think the mice and other critters are afraid to come in!