My grampa used to eat sandwiches made of sweet onions on homeade farm bread with limburger cheese and yellow mustard. Good thing he was a farmer and didnt have to get close enough for people to smell his breath
Add a large tablespoon of horseradish to your mashed potatoes.
and to coleslaw......
I love this sandwich.
Old timers knew about immunity.Us Polish folks eat Garlic sandwiches in the winter..Pumpernickel bread, butter raw slices garlic and salt...keeps the cooties away!
My kind of sandwich ... I love horseradish and I love mustard ... or garlic hummus ..... you have made me hungry
I love beef with horseradish
A farm sandwich with beef? Oh, no. If it is a Wisconsin farm sandwich, one begins with smoked liver sausage. Everything else is OK ... :>) ...!
I've had these sandwiches for years -- very effective in boosting immunity. I keep the meat and cheese sandwiches separate; raw yellow onion goes wonderfully with both; bread can also be rye, and substitute butter for mayo on the cheese sandwiches. No mustard, I don't care for it. Sometimes, on roast beef, I'll mix horseradish with sour cream. Onions, though, are key. Once, when I had serious problems eating, I could eat only liverwurst on rye with raw onion. I think it saved my life. (Thanks to commenter Khalid about horseradish cheese; going to look for it!)
Maybe because no one could get near enough to give you a cold?
Add some garlic...and you wouldn't need to worry about vampires, either.