Learn How a Wobbly Polar Vortex Can Bring Extreme Cold
Who or what verifies your data? Also who proof reads this stuff?
With the idea of quantity and the fact alcohol,simoly won't get the job done we have educators and all other types of fields if workers that understand BATTERY POWERED AS FAR AS LOCATION THE ARTIC WATERS. These times of warming were predictable and we gave to understand that GOD gives us power that is monitored and discussed to keep the polar region at a legal of moderate weather. So with banana cream boat guy its understanding to freeze the waters because if you examine the waters can be frozen but the battery packs have to be measured to and idealistic that they will stay frozen compared to the closeness of the sunand the fact ice water and drinking water will help out with the legal ideas that can bring a heated world but is moderated. We are told the world is supposed to be as the tropics and it will just take the right measurement and battery powered remotes with withstanding antennas to measure and basically refreeze the polar region to its back to normal weather pattern as the collegiate and professors are on it thank you for letting me add my two cents have a lovely day,sir
In this part of the country we have pretty good weather records that go back about 150 years. If the earth were only 15,000 years old, that would be a 1% sample. Pretty small sample to try to establish what is "normal."
Scientists tell us there have been several ice ages over thousands of years with periods of warming between. I don't suppose our ancestors were sitting around a campfire banging their clubs on the ground asking, "How have we caused this?"
People were of insignificant influence on the earth back then. Can't possibly compare the 2 eras of human influence
Other than some reversals, ice has been melting back ever since the ice age about 4500 years ago. As it melts, more dark earth is exposed to absorb heat from the sun, so the warming accelerates. Warming is due to solar activity. It's not man-made. CO2 is rather insignificant. As for the fluctuations, warming comes first; then the increased CO2 because the warmer water releases it to the atmosphere.
NASA is warning of global cooling.
2000 years ago, it was warm enough to harvest oranges in Ireland. 400 years ago, the little ice age gave us crop failure, starvation, and plague that wiped out most of the human population. Which is better?
Bitter cold winters have occurred many times during my life. Are they always a result of a warming trend in the stratosphere? It seems there is a lot of hype about 鈥渞ecent鈥 warming and climate change that isn鈥檛 really supported if you examine a longer period of time.
What are we being sprayed with to prevent global warming. I haven鈥檛 seen a clear blue sky in years.
What we are being sprayed with is pollution, several billion vehicles, thousand of carbon burning power plants, factory waste etc. The same stuff that is causing climate change. Denying something does no make it non existent. While the planet is warming rapidly it is inconceivable that people can be fooled into believing it is a new ice age.