Watch for December's Full Cold Moon!
The moon is magnificent this evening at 10.40pm. Especially reflecting off the remaining snow. Perfect for manifesting positive things.
The full moon for December looked awesome in the sky.
The Dakota Sioux may also call December the Moon of Popping Trees. History shares that the Wounded Knee Massacre occurred around the moon of popping trees which was December.
Since the next full moon on Winter Solstice isn't until 2094, (and I will most likely be dead and gone) I am ecstatic that the moon will be almost full on Dec. 21, Winter Solstice 2018. I'll make sure my kids plan something for 2094. ;-)
i see it as another 'sign' to "look up, for your redemption draweth near" -- Jesus Luke 21:28
"pray that your flight may not be in winter or on the sabbath" -- Jesus Matt 24:21
could this be the day He comes for the snatching of His bride?? to escape the coming tribulation of Jacob's trouble?? maybe.. i pray so!!
Turn to Jesus now! for all who call on His Name and believe on Him will be saved and forgiven of all their sins. He is the Savior of the world! He is the promised Messiah! He is alive and coming again!! Come to Him! no sin is too great! the invitation is to all !!!! Hurry!!!
I'm not asking anybody to believe me but I have two witnesses and we actually saw a real dragon flying around the moon on the winter solstice night, it comes every year, just watch for the summer solstice full moon about 5:00 in the morning and please share with what you see, don't say I didn't tell you. It flies around the moon, which can't be done in a few minutes so the time in space is different or it came from a time Warp. Keep on the watch!
So, almost everyone knows about hair, seeds, fishing in moon fuses. There is also caution on full moon be careful with water. Usually recommended 2,5l per day. But on full moon better decrees amount to 1l. Include soup, coffee, tea, juice.
Well, the moon is a fun piece of space sculpture to keep your eyes on. Ask some NASA astronauts if its really a planet. Haaaaa. I love a mystery! Am I watching a "MOON"? Or could it be watching ME? Its all FUN!!
Hey for that last few mornings here in SE Minnesota, looking straight west, I've seen a bright object in the sky that at times, seems to be blinking. Do you think it is a star, satellite, or planet? Thanks!
If the object does not appear to move, then it is likely a star. The blinking or twinkling you see is called scintillation, and happens when the star’s light passes through the Earth’s atmosphere. Differing air densities of the atmosphere make the light appear to twinkle. This effect is strongest closest to the horizon, as the light must pass through more of the atmosphere than it would directly overhead.