I agree but would like to add to the well-fed well-fenced comment. I have several young goats that are very well fed and are in a large fenced pasture with ample structures built for their enjoyment. My children love to watch them play. However, there is one and only one that continues to get out and visit our neighbor and her children. So in spite of being well fed and amused they are very curious also.
Put a collar on that goat then tie a 6ft piece of rope to the collar and the other end to the center of a 2x4. Make the goat drag the 2x4 around for the next 3 or 4 months. It will get tangled up when going under or over the fence and should stop it's attempt's of going AWOL.
Good Luck
I own a 1 year old goat that lives in my house as well as the back yard. He has adjusted very well. We also have cats and dogs. He seems very spoiled and happy. We buy hay , crushed corn and dried fruit from the feed store. And he eats regularly in the back yard. Recently I noticed a slightly red discoloration on half of one hoof. Does he need a diet adjustment or a pedicure? He seems healthy and fine. It doesn't seem to bother him any.
Has it been wet in the backyard? Or muddy and damp? A red hoof could mean "footrot" which is common with goals--it's an infection which would usually just mean antibiotics if you catch it quickly. It sounds as if you really care about your goat and are quite observant. You might want a vet to check it out.
Camels are not really ruminants, they are pseudo-ruminants because ruminants have a 4 chambered stomach, and camels have a 3 chambered stomach. Sheep and goats are true ruminants. Also when cattle are born they are born mono-gastric and develop their chambers as they grow.
hi my goat was sick but she is feeling better but she is not make any noise can u help me on what to do she was always talking
Hi, fair enough. We are using the ruminant definition from Merriam Webster Collegiate dictionary: "Even-toed hoofed mammals (as sheep, giraffes, deer, and camels) that chew cud and have a complex usually 4-chambered stomach."
I love my Dairy goats! They have wonderful personalities and they bond to humans as well as each other! Wish I could put a picture in here!