Columbus Day History, Date, and Controversy
When you know that Columbus was not the "First" explorer especially Today...Why do you still celebrate this myth adopted in the 30' 1492-his First Voyage he never stepped foot in the "Americas" nor on his Second Voyage. His 3td Voyage 1498 he lands eventually on the Paria Penninsula-Venezuela...His 4th Voyage in 1502 , he lands in the Central Americas on the advice of Locals which is technically North America-and exactly what did he discouver/find---there were people already living in the areas that he touristed.... John Cabot was an Italian navigator and explorer. His 1497 discovery of the coast of North America under the commission of Henry VII of England is the earliest known European exploration of coastal North America since the Norse visits to Vinland in the eleventh century. They too were welcomed by Locals.
Are they not teaching this in school? or is it too late or too deeply engrained to correct/emend/amend this History faux-pas....
The idea of discovery does not mean uninhabited. It means found, which Columbus did. He insisted that the world was round, although most people believed that it was flat. He claimed that he could get to the east by sailing west. No one in Europe, Africa, or Asia knew of the two continents now called North and South America. Hence the discovery idea.
Well said, Eileen, well said. Thank You.
Why don't you finish telling all the facts about Columbus Day. Like the real reason it was changed from October 12th, to the second Monday in October, was so that the politicians, and other Government employees, could have an extended 3-day weekend. They couldn't care less about the man, Christopher Columbus.
Oh dear oh dear... in those days, politicians listened to their constituents... 3 day wkend for workers was and still is, appreciated and valuable for all the good things that people CAN do... walking, hiking, end of summer picnic with family and friends, shopping, stocking up for Thanksgiving, Christmas, New Year's.... and knowing as every school kid does, that it is a Columbus Day Holiday.... if no one "schools" them on what that means, it is our fault as adults responsible for ensuring great educations for our kids... so, close the Dept of Education and return responsibility to the States where it was when we had excellent teachers interested in students' minds instead of their pants; students proud and grateful to be students learning from valuable curriculum and graduating with confidence in themselves, their futures, and their COUNTRY. Return funds to States and also cut off tentacles of Dept of Ed that invade every area of our lives. THAT is our job.
In 1492 Columbus said the ocean blue