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Gaia Verne (not verified)

7 years 2 months ago

You show a picture here...identical to my British Short Hair ...such a great, intelligent cat. I love that photo.
He was over weight...(his breed ranges up to 35 pounds) he was 25 pounds...starving all the time... he ate fast, looking for more.
I am now feeding him "raw animal food, professionally done"... all protein ...he is losing weight...now 22 pounds. He is 8 years old.
He eats smaller portions, 1 tbsp. twice daily, and he does not eat fast, because he dissects every part of it, even though it is finely mashed... he is so fussy and wise. I love him so much
I also give him high quality dry food...very, few treats.
Oh, his stool is healthy with no gas...even easier to clean his toilet.
Thanks for this blog...I really enjoy it...I read it every day.

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