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Sarah Mamo (not verified)

6 years 6 months ago

SEEKING: I would like to know how to PREVENT and TREAT scale insects and mealybugs.

PROBLEM: I have noticed mealybugs on one cactus and scale insects on at least two - potentially three - others. I have isolated these three - potentially four - plants from the rest of my plants. The plant with mealybugs was in a separate room and I made the initial mistake of putting the plants with scale insects in one room. I also have gotten a few new plants recently, most of which I've inspected for pests, but some of which I haven't inspected.

TREATMENT PLAN (SEEKING ADVICE): Here's how I plan to treat the plants that have mealybugs or scale insects. First, I'll remove the infected plants from their pots and throw the soil out before I clean the pots with bleach and hot water. Second, I'll manually remove the pests where I see them to the extent that I can. Third, I'll cut off any parts that are too infested to revive (with cacti this is easy - it's a natural step in propagation). Fourth, I'll spray down the cacti with a solution of water and Provado, and even rubbing alcohol if I think it's necessary. Fifth, I'll allow the plant to dry off if it had pieces chopped off before repotting it with fresh soil and a clean pot. Sixth, I'll use the water and Provado solution weekly or whenever I water the cactus as a prevention plan.

PREVENTION PLAN (SEEKING ADVICE): To prevent pests in the future, I'm thinking of doing a few things. First, I'll inspect the plant before taking it to see if I notice anything - looking at its surface and toying around with the topsoil. Second, once the plant is home, I'll remove it from its pot and soil, inspect the entire plant (root included) to see if I notice any pests. Thirdly, I'll then pot it in a newly-cleaned pot - cleaned with bleach and hot water - and fresh soil. And lastly, when I water it next, I'll use a solution of water, rubbing alcohol, and Provado just to be safe.

QUESTIONS: Are there things to improve in my treatment or prevention plans? Is there anything I should know? Is it possible to rid your plants of mealybugs and scale insects?

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